The conference invites contributions focusing on (although not necessarily limited to):
- Conflict research theories and methodologies: papers focusing on methodological approaches, states of the art and theoretical frameworks around the concepts of urban protest, spatial, locational or urban conflicts, neoliberal urban planning and disenfranchisement.
- Strategies, actors and new social movements: papers focusing on actors, strategies and the changing nature of conflicts and participants in conflicts, from NIMBY attitudes to more general and complex protest movements, such as 15M or Occupy the Wall Street movements. In general, about the transformative potential of social mobilization.
- Contesting urban planning and projects: the changing nature of urban planning practices and their influence on public opinion formation, including forms of protest and social mobilization in opposition to planned developments. Reflections or case studies on urban, spatial or locational conflicts.
Abstracts (in English, max 500 words) and a brief biographic note of the author(s) (English, max 200 words) should be sent to: . Additional enrollment will be accepted limited to room capacity. PhD Students are encouraged to submit paper proposals based on their doctoral research.
Important dates:
20th December at 15:00h: Deadline for abstracts submission.
20th January 2014: Publication of the list of accepted papers.
1st March 2014: Deadline for the submission of full papers
If you want to join the seminar, you must only send an E-mail to: and provide the following data:
- Name and Surname
- Full professional address
- Current status (student, researcher, professor...)
Since we have limited places and a great demand we encourage to register as soon as possible. Although it is a high-profile international seminar, the organizers decided to adjust the budget as much as possible in order to allow really low-cost fees:
Seminar fees:
For students at the Universitat de València: 5 Euros
For other participants: 20 Euros
Registration procedure:
Just make a payment to the following bank account indicating as a concept "congress Valencia" before the 21st of March
Banco Santander, Universitat de València, Campus de Tarongers
IBAN: ES77 0049 6722 0328 1001 2608